Monday, July 19, 2010

The Notice I Deserve

So Jimmy and I were watching the news the other night when a story about bedbugs came on. This topic fills us with mortal fear and dread, because, come on, bedbugs, yikes, good Lord. I was standing up and getting ready to strip down and get in the shower, but when the bedbug story came on, I stopped what I was doing and slowly, shakily, lowered myself to the couch, never once taking my eyes off the horrible teevee screen.

Any bedbugs story on the news is going to be rife with horror, but this one had an extra bit of random weirdness that gave me a start: early in the report (at around 00:28 in the above clip), my bobbing, bike-helmeted, disembodied head can be seen floating along the bottom of the screen. What? Yes. It's me. (Few other humans have this bike helmet.) On the screen. In a story about bedbugs. Is this foreshadowing?



mandionna said...

This is the funniest thing I have ever, ever seen.

Wood Family said...

Not entirely convinced of the identity of that biker, but I'll take your word. Seems like you could make this into a Zelig-like trope, with your head biking through various historical scenes.

Also, is it me, or did it look like you were really struggling up that hill? Nah, they must have slowed you down for effect, right?

Tim Anderson said...

@HP Wood: it's TOTALLY me! wish they had gotten a total head shot so there was no question.

and yes, i am definitely struggling. i look like i'm about to give up and go have a beer slushy.

and where the fuck am I riding?

Laurie said...


you kind of look retarded, though.

skpasell said...

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!!! That is totally your noggin!

Unknown said...

funny - weird - funny!

Carolyn said...

Just when I needed a good laugh..and this was a excellent one....Tim to the resuce