How many times have you been on an ice-skating rink with your partner and he lifts you in the air and you're all ready to do your thing with your jazz hands and such, and then your partner just stone cold touches you inappropriately? Like, right above your hot ass? Too many times, am I right? Well, Meagan Duhamel was not about to allow Eric Radford to pull such a stunt during their routine at the ISU Figure skating World championships in Moscow. Like any great woman in history who has been publicly wronged by a man, like Hillary Clinton or Ayn Rand or Miss Piggy, Meagan called him out to his face. In his face. With her elbow. The way it should be done.
Maybe next time they're on the ice Eric will be more likely to grab her where we queens of the ice are supposed to be grabbed during these ice skating displays—not above that hot, plump, luscious ass, but directly on it.
what a load of crap! were you that bored you had to make something up about two amazing skaters!? good god, get a new day job ya door knob
where did you come up with this load of crap!? do you really have nothing better to do then to make up one completely untrue store about two amazing canadian figure skaters? get a new day job yah door knob.
Haha.. it's obviously a joke and not meant to be taken seriously! It's clear that the same person wrote the other two posts. Go Meagan and Eric!!
haha, yep, that's EXACTLY why Meagan smashed Eric's nose, because he was coming just a little to close for her comfort - he has no problem slowing down her triple twist rotation to place his hands JUST SO, for the 1.2 seconds it takes him to put her down, before they take off into their side by side triple jumps, and the remaining 3 minutes of their program ..... cuz that's what skaters do !! c'mon people, seriously ? GO MEAGAN & ERIC GO !! 2011-2012 is your year !
of course Meagan smashed him in the face, cuz he plans in the split second to place his hands JUST SO, cuz he wants to throw her off in the WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS, cuz all of their hard hard work when it comes down to it is just for a cheap feel ....... cuz Meagan knows Eric's only in it for the thrill of touching ....
really people ?
thanx for posting this - we all needed a laff ! just wait till this year, GO MEAGAN & ERIC GO !!
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